Friday, February 12, 2010

Epic Fail!!!

So the opening ceremony of the Vancouver Olympics was on NBC tonight... and the ceremony was fantastic... until the most important moment of all: the Lighting of the cauldron...  What was supposed to happen was that four giant ice-like sticks would rise out of the floor of the stadium and surround a fifth middle column.  Then the four final torch-bearers including former Phoenix coyotes coach Wayne Gretzky and Phoenix Suns NBA player Steve Nash would light the four outside "icicles".  The flame would travel up to the top and all five sticks would ignite.  

What ended up happening is that nothing came out of the floor for four or five minutes as they tried to get one of the icicles to rise.  They eventually gave up and only three of the four outer icicles appeared while the torch bearers stood around aghast and one of the people supposed to light the cauldron never even got the chance.  What a horrendous disappointment to be that fourth person with nothing to light...

Here is the 80% complete indoor cauldron that eventually appeared and was lighted:

And here was the priceless look on "The Great One's" face as he stood around minute after minute with torch in hand waiting for a cauldron to appear:

As I said... Epic Fail!

For comparison, here is the video of the 2000 Olympic cauldron in Sydney that got stuck on its journey to the top of the stadium, but eventually worked successfully....

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