Saturday, July 25, 2009


So I spent about 20-25 hours this week (4-5 hours each day Monday-Friday) working to get my classroom ready... I am finally done!  Desks have been arranged (for the moment...), bulletin boards are up, books are on the shelves, the blinds have been dusted, the cabinets organized, etc.  I could not have believed a week ago that it would take me this long to get to this point, but either way it is done... Now check out the finished results:

Looking at the back of the room from the doorway to the adjoining classroom:

The north wall with the windows, TV, reading table, dry erase board, and some bulletin boards:

The computer center and homework collection point at the back of the room:

My desk area in the back of the room:

The south wall of the classroom where all of the storage is:

The three R's of Mr. VanAtta's classroom:


  1. HI Drew!!

    I think I might steal your "3 R's" and use them in my classrooms too! I am teaching 7-12 this year. Band and choir.. whoo. Trying to be positive! :) I hope you are having a great weekend and have a great week!


  2. Hey- It's Megan again.

    How did you get your letters up there? Are they the vinal peal off things? Where do you get that stuff?


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